Sunday 9 October 2011

HAPPY MONDAY PEOPLE! Im not really having monday blues but more to lazy monday. HAHA. Am currently in class now and no lecturer is in sight , theres nothing much to do but facebook , youtube and tweet. Super boring. I cant believe im saying that i'd rather have a lecturer come in now because it would be quite pointless coming to campus and not doing anything. I could have just stayed at home. THANK YOU TO MY TWO LOYAL COMPANIONS , LAPTOP & BROADBAND. Eh , i meant Tara & Jane HEHE :p

We have a few aassignments to hand in this month , and by a few i mean A LOT! LDV , LDS , SS , LS , ughh never ending list. When we're done with one assignment , another one comes! Theres not much studying to do but the work certainly measures up to the absence of exams. Im still slacking but im trying not to because i really do not want to repeat my mistakes when i was in Form 6.

Form 6 wasnt the most pleasant studying experience for me. My head wasnt at all in my studies. Not to say that i was distracted by boys cause i wasnt. That was the furthest thought from my mind. HAHA belive it or not. I was just simply not in to what i was doing. I wasnt attracted to the lectures , the studying , the exams. I tried ( and failed ) talking to my parents about quitting form 6 but my parents insisted that i stick with it. My dad didnt want to let me QUIT when i was so close to finishing. Even if he knew i wasnt doing well , he didnt want me to quit. And so i went along with what they wanted. I sat for my exams and finished STPM with not so good results as expected. I never expected to get good results because i didnt put in the effort so how can i right? But it was still a shock to see my results.

Ahh well , people say experience and pain makes you stronger. I hope that what i went through will make me a more mature person and i HOPE that i dont repeat the same mistakes i did. I want to start fresh and EXCEL doing it!

IPG is a second chance for me to redeem myself. Did i spell that correctly? HEH. Being here for only 4-ish months hasnt been easy. I know that whatever i go through is a challenge from a higher power and i always pray for divine intervention to help me through this.

My first semester in the foundation program is almost over and i have 5 years left in IPG , i know that in that 5 years , i will be experiencing alot and i hope i will be strong enough to make it through this :)

WISH ME LUCK PEOPLE! I need as much as i can get ~

Till my next post , take care loves.


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